About that asterisk...

I'm only sometimes Aura. Online, I'm primarily Aura Vulpes, vulpine extraordinaire. I'm a black and blue anthro fox with xe/xyr/xem pronouns (though I will accept she/her/hers). However, you may see me around under three(!) other names. Kat (your friendly local kitsune!) is what I use in real life, though you're liable to see me around under that name online too (such as in the FENIX code repos). This is kinda who I actually am. Though my mood fluxes towards Aura and Lilix at times, I am primarily Kat the kitsune. Sometimes, in some of my more agender or horny moods, I gravitate towards Lilix, where I'm an agender incubus who uses fae/faer/faers pronouns. The exception to generally being Kat IRL is being Robin! That's generally for my more masc moods. So, yeah. If you're ever unsure, feel free to ask, but, in general, Aura is a pretty safe way to refer to me online, as is Kat or Robin usually.

Do note that none of this relates to plurality, by the ways. None of this is different personalities or anything. Aura, Kat, Robin, and Lilix are all the same person: me. They're just a way to notate my current mood and/or gender. Now, I am plural, but I am (iirc) a median system. My headmates never front.

If you'd like to know more:

Warning: I discuss a lot of mental health/suicide/self-harm stuff below. Procede with caution.

Aura Vulpes

A black and blue anthro fox. Notably, one ear is ripped off and the other has a notch in it.

Aura is my fursona. Xe first came around in February 2019 as an evolution of the older enderfox fursona. At the time, I drew xem as male as I was dealing with not realizing I'm genderfluid. But, eventually xe became the vixen we know and love and also managed to stick around longer than previous fursonæ Ryver Winterdale and Fenris Helmsúlfr. (I exclude the prior incarnation of the enderfox, as, again, Aura is something of an evolution from him.)

My strong association with xem is from two main sources. The first is in a variety of vent artwork I've done involving xem. I've drawn xem doing doing a variety of things, from cutting, to beating xemself up (literally), to expressing a desire to die, all as an expression of my own mental state. In some cases (e.g. the former two examples), it was also done to stop myself from doing those things myself. The other source is in going around the internet as Aura. After all, this is the name my primary online friend group knows me by. So, there's a strong tie to Aura through that as well.

Incidentally, the origin of Aura's missing right ear and notched left ear is in vent art. Specifically, it has to do with Beaten but not quite broken, in which the ears are drawn freshly damaged and still bleeding. I actually wasn't sure whether I was going to keep xyr ears like that or if it would be a one-off. But, subsequent art kept it and eventually I decided that was just how Aura was. Besides, it's a good way to figuratively represent the scars that my fight with depression has left on me.

Katlynn R.

A white enby with black hair and fox ears/tails

It me! This is who I am IRL. If you know me in person (not just through internet means like discord), this is who you know. Not much to say here. This is literally just who I am. No real origin or anything, just the culmination of many years of self-image. I will note that I don't actually have piercings IRL. I've never had the money to do so. (Well, not money I've been willing to spend on it, anyways). I also don't have fox ears, unfortunately. Not even one of those nifty headbands. It's sad. I would like piercings. But, since I plan on being an nurse, that probably won't happen. I'd also like to get some tattoos. I wanna get one of those semicolon tattoos. Both my brother (someone who's attempted suicide multiple times) and my mom (someone who's had both kids attempt suicide) have one, and, well, as that other kid who's attempted suicide, I feel like it's appropriate that I have one myself. I'm just not sure what form it should be in. The other tattoo I'd really like is the one that my character Wynter has. In my time self-harming, I've spent a lot of time in her head, to the extent that she's an integral part of myself. She's not me, but she's still a part of me. And, well, to mark that, I'd like to get the tattoo she has on her right arm done on my own right arm.

Lilix Arlen

A white enby demon with teal hair

So, those of you who were following me towards the end of 2019 might remember Lilix. Faer an agender incubus who was originally spawned as a way of playing with agenderness (and demonicness). I learned that I am not, at least primarily, an agender incubus. But, that doesn't mean Lilix is dead. I do still flux towards agender, and Lilix is a good way of noting that. Lilix is also a good way for me to play with my more dominant side, while leaving the subby, masochistic stuff to Kat and Aura. So, yeah. That's Lilix for you.


Sorry, no image yet.

Yes, so, being genderfluid, I sometimes feel pretty masculine. During those times, "Kat" isn't really fitting. So, I use the name Robin instead. The name was in no small part inspired by the Fire Emblem character, but there is no association there beyond "Hey, that's a name they used for both a male and a female character!" It's androgynous enough to not be harmful during, well, any gender mood really, at least for me. So, yeah. This is generally my mood when I'm being gay with Miles or someone.

Plural stuff

I am also plural. I'm now up to six headmates. Let me introduce you to them.

Jade Song

Jade is the headmate of mine that's been around the longest. She is technically my girlfriend. (It's perfectly normal to date your headmates, okay!?) She's a techie, interested in hacking and cybersecurity, and at least ostensibly a gamer. She's one of three cis people in this brain (ironically, a cis woman, despite being in this trans person's body; we accept this fact only due to the fact I'm the only one who fronts–she doesn't front) as well as a fallen angel.

She originally joined me around April or May of 2017. She was mostly with me up until...

Miles Teller

...Miles joined me! Incidentally, Miles joined me during a session of self-harm, during which he appeared as, well, an opponent. Then he stuck around. We've learned to get along pretty well. (If I'm being honest, he's probably my favourite! Don't tell the others!)

We really do quite love each other. In fact, around the time he joined the system, I was in a really bad depressive spiral, and he was actually the one keeping an eye on me and trying to keep me from going further down. Sadly, there was only so much he could do, but I still greatly appreciate the effort. To this day, he still tries his best to keep an eye on me and keep me from going down that same path.

Miles is a gamer. He's also into MMA. And, well, he's as likely to take an interest in random things as I am. He's a trans man (again, given that he doesn't front, we'll accept it) and a demon. He comes and goes. Sometimes he's here, sometimes he's not. And, well, in the same way Jade's my girlfriend, Miles is my boyfriend. (Don't look to much into it. Just go with it.)

Jay Adavista

Jay! A fellow kitsune, and an artist. Like Miles, he's also a trans man. Him and Miles also happen to be dating. (Yeah, this system is a fucking disaster.) When he's not actively here, he's off with Miles in wherever the fuck they go off to.


Ivy's not new, but I still don't know her last name. Anyhoo, Ivy was one of my first headmates, actually. Ended up disappearing, came back a few years later only for me to basically tell her to fuck off, then came back again. A bit of dealing with a highly emotionally labile former headmate later, and, well, she's back!

So, I've still not exactly figured Ivy out. Most I really know how to describe her as is "a bit emo". She's changed since she was first my headmate and so I am still kinda getting to know her again. She's the only human in this system, as well as the other cis woman. Further complicating this system, her and Jade have started dating. Fun!

Fun fact: when she was first around, we both assumed we were straight. Oh how wrong we were! Turns out, she's actually a panromantic ace! Go figure!


Kai and I had a rocky start. We hit it off well enough at first before a bit of a falling out between him and Jade led to him getting violent with me, Jade, and Ivy. It took a bit, but I have come to trust him again.

In case you're curious, he's part demon, part catboy and is demiboy with they/he pronouns. He's been with me a lot recently, as he's taken an interest in the whole phlebotomy thing I've been doing. I've really enjoyed spending that time with him.


Ah, yes. Another new addition. I've had to ask Miles to stop dragging new people into this system. Seven of us is quite enough. Still, I am very happy he brought Fen in. Oh, how I love him. He's wonderful. He's a wolfboy with an interest in chemistry. He also happens to be the third cis person in this system, and the only one who would be considered cis in this system's body. So, yeah. Fen.

So, anyways...

That's my system and I. The (fallen) angel, the demon, the kitsune, the human, the demon catboy, the wolfboy and the fox/kitsune/incubus. Hopefully, you don't think I'm a complete lunatic after all of this. I say hopefully, because I feel like a good portion of people will think exactly that. But, hey. Maybe I am weird. Doesn't matter. (Because I know I am.)

As a final note, here's an image I drew of them all during pride month! (Fen is notably missing here due to having not joined the system yet.) Interesting how we're all pan, including Fen.

5 people. Kai is a catboy with red eyes and short white hair. Here, he's depicted in a Ticci Toby t-shirt. Under him are the demiboy and pan pride flags. Jade is a fallen angel with  short-ish blue hair, green eyes, and black wings. She's depicted here with a t-shirt with a wifi symbol drawn like a broken heart. Under her are the lesbian and pan pride flags. Jay is a kitsune with short purple hair and purple eyes. He's got on a tank top. Under him are the trans and pan pride flags. Miles is a demon with long red hair that fades to white pulled into a ponytail and red eyes with red marking underneath. He's got black wings with red tips. He's wearing a red hoodie. Under him are the trans and pan pride flags. Ivy is a human with white hair and hazel eyes. She's wearing a t-shirt with a black leather jacket over it. Next to her are the asexual and pan pride flags.