The FENIX Project

A small UNIX-like* operating system

FENIX is a small operating system being developed by Aura Vulpes. The eventual goal is a fully Single UNIX Specification-compliant operating system that can be registered as a proper UNIX. In the meantime, part of the goal in writing the operating system in a simple enough manner for someone with a decent understanding of C and little understanding of OS development to be able to understand the parts and how they connect together.

A QEMU window with an operating system identifying itself as FENIX Dev Pre-release v0.0.3. It also contains messages indicating it has set up a GDT and interrupts.
What it currently looks like. It's running in QEMU on an x86 system.

Of note is that this OS is entirely "from scratch". While various tools developed by others are used in the development process, the final operating system is entirely new code†. It's not using an existing kernel. This isn't a Linux distro. It's sure as fuck not going to use the GNU Project's shit. It's a brand new kernel, a brand new libc, and a brand new userland. Sure, all based off standards, but still written from scratch.

FENIX is currently available as source code in its Git repository. In future, we hope to also make available a single ISO image that can be downloaded and tried without the need to set up a cross-compile toolchain and build FENIX from source.

*It's only UNIX-like for now...
†Well, maybe a small bit that's pulled from other projects and a bit more that's similar/identical due to how few ways there are to write something. But almost entirely new code.

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